Monday, 27 April 2015

Written Evaluation


Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The sub-genre of my film is supernatural; this is because of it being a highly anticipated genre in horror. I looked at paranormal activity because it was a very popular supernatural horror film that continued coming out with different films, which were all a success. I included many codes and conventions for example I looked at the film, The Conjuring as the haunted house they move into is very conventional of a horror film which I also used in our film but instead of a house I did it in a school. I was especially inspired from the Blair witch project which used camcorders to record their experience in the woods. For example I decided to also make my film have a camcorder effect just like paranormal activity and The Blair witch project. I have also decided to use a scene where a character is dragged by the paranormal presence; this is evident in The Conjuring and Paranormal activity. I believe this adds realism because my film is inspired by The Conjuring, which is based on a true story. I have decided to challenge the convention of not showing the paranormal presence, for example in Paranormal activity, the ghost does not show itself. Whereas in my film the protagonist Mallory does shows herself in many scenes.

I have also looked at short horror film called ‘INSIDE’ and found many codes and conventions which I applied to my film. For example the non-diegetic sound of loud suspenseful music used in the beginning when the title appears was also applied to my film as it connotes the danger which is to happen in the film. Instead of having it on a black background, I decided to add a panning shot of the building the film takes film in, which introduces to the audience where the setting is. I started from the church panning to the abandoned school building which gives a message to the audience that this film is supernatural because of the graves and the fact that the school is right next to the church. I also have a similar aged characters in the film which is a stereotype of horror films as most victims tend to be teenagers and young adults.

I have also applied the use of the dolly shot which is used in the short film to follow the girl through the woods which in my film it is used to follow the character Habiba when she gets a paper cut and also Fatemah when is seen walking in the playground. This shows that the character is being followed by a protagonist and also keeps the audience at the edge of their seats due to the suspense. The use of the abandoned building is also used in my film as it illustrates isolation and mystery. The use of silence in many parts during the build-up of tension for example when Fatemah searches for someone in the playground adds verisimilitude to the scene which is also evident in this short film.

The product in my film uses conventions of real media products, for example the red typography used in many horror films, which I furthered by analysing titles for example Insidious which uses a red font. I also decided to add a bit of blue to the font to challenge the convention and also to create a mysterious effect, which indicates the films storyline. I decided to include this in my film for the title: Mallory as it highlights the danger that is to unfold to the characters. The font is also conventional as it’s seems as though it’s been scratched by someone which gives it a creepy look.

The use of sounds were inspired by a range of horror films such as Insidious and Mama as it had a lot of eerie, upbeat music that went well with my film. I developed the use of sounds by changing it around so the music corresponded with the scene that was playing this was so the film flowed with the genre and subgenre and so that it would appeal to my audience who expect this.

I used a wide range of camera angles in my film, which were conventional to horror films, for example low angle shot used in The Conjuring to show the character getting dragged. I also used a high angle shot as though the protagonist is watching from above which is furthered by the camera being handheld as though the character is being watched. I also used a wide shot to show the characters in the scene and the setting they are in to connote they’re loneliness and vulnerability to the presence about to take place. There are also a shot of the characters face with Mallory behind her, which I got inspired by the scene of Insidious where the devil is behind one of the characters. Editing was varied through the use of jump cuts, which were used to separate scenes from different angles. I also used a fade out at the beginning after the titles and also when the credits come on. Crosscutting was also used to create continuity. Match cut was used often for example when Habiba is seen walking up to Mallory and the camera switches behind her, giving a different angle and letting the audience see what she is seeing.

For the radio trailer, I used conventional sound effects and music that I have listened to and put in my product so that when my audience hears it on the radio they immediately know it’s a horror film trailer. I decided to use the wind sound effect to start off the trailer so it’s quite calm and also it hints out to the audience danger is about to unfold in the film. The loud upbeat music later indicates the evil presence in the film. The use of minimal narrative gives the audience only a bit about the film and leaves them wanting more. This links to the genre of horror being very simplistic when it comes to trailers, as they only want their audience to know what the story is about but not to let them know what exactly is to happen which leaves them wanting more.

For the poster I decided to follow the convention of a horror poster by putting the main protagonist at the front and centre of the poster but only her eye showing and the rest of the face covered with her hair. This gives a sinister look and also hides her identity from the audience, which makes them, want to see the film and know whom she is. The background is the haunted school building which is faded into the face of Mallory to show the audience the setting of the place and also to hint this is a paranormal film as the building is very old and sinister. One of the windows in the building is near to the left side of the poster which has the shadow of Mallory in it, this connotes to the audience there is a ghost that haunts the building which reinforces the genre and subgenre of the film. The title of the film is in bold capital red writing with the font slightly distorted, this suggests to the audience danger and also the strength of the protagonist, as the font being in capital letters suggest this. The watch Mallory wears replaces the letter ‘o’ in the title to suggest time has something to do with the film, as it does because every minute a character dies. The poster creates a stereotype of haunted buildings being the centre of paranormal activity.

I integrated Propp’s theory of having some of the conventional characters in my film. The first is the villain, who is Mallory and the second is the hero who is the antagonist, Naimah. Levi Strauss’ Binary oppositions was used by representing good and evil, as Mallory was the evil one and the three other characters along with the audience in the theatre as being the good ones. This connection results in changing the stride of the film from joyous and upbeat, where the group of friends have fun to measured and miserable. This was important as it shows Mallory; the tour guide is actually the villain and evil. It also suggests not to trust someone so easily as the group of friends did not know her true identity. This outcome’s in the audience’s interaction, as they feel sympathetic towards the group of friends.

Barthes’ Enigma code is used when it comes to my film as the plot constructs a puzzle that the active audience is asked to solve while the characters act out the story. The audience do not know that the tour guide is actually a ghost who has come back to haunt people who enter the building. Narrative is delivered to the audience by expectation, suspense, tension and closure. The audience is led to believe that Mallory is a kind and welcoming normal person, which leads to tension and suspense during the ending. The enigma ends with a surprising twist and the audience soon realise Mallory is malevolent.

Todorov’s theory regarding equilibrium was another narrative theory that applied to my short film. The equilibrium that opens our film presents a group of friends visiting an old building o film their story. This is then followed up by the dis-equilibrium where Mallory kills two of the characters. I challenged the Todorovs’s theory by not having a new equilibrium at the end. The enigma code is combined at the end of the film when the screen goes blank. This can be seen as a sad ending, using the uses of gratification theory as the audience’s reasons for seeing it may be for entertainment or social interaction.

I included an enigma code in our film because it would create an active audience rather than a passive one. I wanted our audience to try and figure out what happened to the character Naimah and also to the audience in the film when Mallory appeared in front of them. The blank screen will leave open-ended questions from the audience. This goes against Carroll’s argument when he says that the third phase of a film was the ‘Disruption phase’ where the characters destroy the source of the disorder and restore normality.  This however does not happen in our film because of the enigma code, which is the cliff-hanger which is stereotypical in a horror film.

The audience theory in my film has the uses and gratification theory in it as my film is to entertain my target audience through enjoyment and also for escapism where they can watch the film to escape from reality. The audience is also able to identify with the characters as they are the same age as them and the location is in London, which is the same for my targeted audience. My film also goes against the hypodermic needle theory where the audience takes everything in whereas in the film the audience is actually left to work out who the protagonist is and also at the end where the audience watching the film and see Mallory in front of them and then the screen goes blank with sounds of screaming.

Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

My three products connect together because of the theme of the film, being supernatural which is evident throughout, for example the haunted school building is echoed through the film as it shows the building during the beginning and then shows that it’s haunted through Mallory and the deaths she causes which gives the effect that the building is abandoned for a reason.  It is also evident in the poster as the background image is of the school building which gives an impression it’s haunted by the primary Image that is Mallory, who has her face hidden behind her hair and also the effects used to make her look like a ghost. The radio trailer also shows that it takes place in the haunted school building as you hear the characters talk about the place they are filming and also when the tour guide says to follow her so she can show them around which is then proved that something is wrong with the building as the use of scream’s and suspenseful music is played in the radio trailer.

The images that are similar throughout are of the main protagonist, Mallory where she is shown in the film many times and also in the poster where her face is at the front, also in the radio trailer, her phrase is displayed when she is heard saying ‘please follow me and I will show you around’, this is also evident in the film. The use of the watch Mallory wears is also featured in all three products as the film shows many scenes where the watch is seen on Mallory’s wrist. It’s also shown in the poster where the watch is being held by Mallory under the spotlight signifying the importance the watch has in the film which the time between the deaths she causes to each character. In the radio trailer the ticking of the watch is also heard indicating to the audience that a clock watch has meaning in the film. This all relates to the film and promotes it through the use of sound, images, narrative and key phrases.

The colours red, black and white are evident in the poster as well as the film where the titles and credits appear, these colours connect to the genre, horror. This helps to combine one another. The font of the poster as well as the animatic title also link as both are in red and capital letters with the style of it being distorted like a bad TV signal which links to the film and the use of camcorders.

The audience feedback on this was positive in the fact that the protagonist is visible in all three products which allows the audience to see who the villain is. Also the use of the watch is also shown throughout the film in some scenes for example when the character Fatemah is being strangled as well the poster where the clock face replaces the letter ‘o’ in the title ‘Mallory’. The radio trailer includes the ticking of the clock sound. This all represents the film because the watch indicates the time taken until a character is killed by Mallory. My target audience has said that this prop is successful in delivering this.

The distribution methods that I would use is putting up online so many of my audience around the world can view it which will connect a lot more people than only the UK. Also by putting it online for example on YouTube it will gain more audience viewers around my targeted age rating being 15 year olds and over as many use the online world daily. I would also put it in an independent cinema as the film is only 5 minutes and does not have any famous actors in it to be cut out for a large audience and cinema for example Odeon.  I would also put it in an independent cinema as its only 5 minutes long and it doesn’t have any famous actors in it to be cut out for a well-known cinema that features big Hollywood films such as Odeon.

Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

From the survey that I conducted prior to filming I received many responses to what my targeted audience want in horror films. I did my survey using Survey Monkey as I was confident in using it from my AS and I was able to send the link on social media to my targeted audience where I got my responses from. For example in one question I asked what type of character do you like in horror films, the second highest response was ghosts, which I decided to use in my film, who is Mallory. Another question asked what type of setting do you like, where haunted places got the highest response which I also decided to use in my film which was the haunted school building. I also decided to base my film on a true story as most of my target audience like it when it is, as the film is much scarier, so I decided to make my film inspired by The Conjuring.

From the class feedback session on my film I found that I needed to improve on the use of sounds and music, as I didn’t have much at that time. This was improved however after I collated different sound effects and horror related music from various websites such as royalty free. I also improved on the use of the sub-genre being supernatural through adding effects to some of the scenes to make to make it more sinister and also as show that a supernatural presence is about to happen for example changing the lighting to make it darker in areas so its much more eerier. Characterisation was also amended by reshooting some scenes for example the part when Mallory strangles Fatemah as she didn’t look like she was scared.

I got positive reviews about the film including the use of camera angle for example the high angle shot when Fatemah is seen walking outside. The animatic titles also got a positive review on it because of the transitions. My audience also liked the costume of Mallory because it was simplistic and black which went well with the character being the protagonist representing her evilness. The use of camera movement had a positive review on it because of the various filming techniques used for example when Fatemah is seen looking around, the camera moves side to side in a fast movement giving the impression of what she is looking at through her eyes.

The film received optimistic claims for example my target audience loved the use of the camcorder effect because it added more practicality to it and also the camera angles and shot because it represented some of the characters feeling for example the low angle shot of Habiba getting dragged suggests she has no power over the protagonist and the high angle shot of Fatemah represents her isolation. The music and the use of sounds also got a good reaction to it because it was used the right scenes to represent the danger about to unfold and also the as a warning sign. The use of low key lighting helped to create a spooky atmosphere. However they said that some of the scenes where the characters are taking, the sound is echoey. The characterisation wasn’t that good because in scenes where they are to look scared, they didn’t.

My target audience has said the poster truly represented the horror genre because of the colours associated with it, mainly being red and black. They liked the fact that the eye of Mallory was shown which gives the representation that she is watching you’re every move linking to the slogan. The ‘coming soon’ in white bold writing was commented being a good source of promotion to the film as it catches the audience’s attention. The title was commented on being bold and standing out attracting the audience’s attention straight away as the colour red indicates and adheres to the horror convention. However they said it was to make the background image more prominent as its very dark and mostly the colour black and left only a little to see.

For the radio trailer, my target audience said that the use of sounds and music as well as the narrative was very productive together. They also said that the music was very horror-like and went well with the film as it made them feel scared due to the loud suspenseful music and the build up to it with calm music at the beginning. The use of minimal narrative left the storyline open to more questions leaving them wondering what is to happen in the film.

Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

For research I have used the Internet to help me find out about short films and the history behind it. I have also researched about the horror genre to familiarise myself with it so I know the codes and conventions of it which allowed me to apply this to my film. I have also researched about other horror films so I can see which ones where successful and then be able to see what they have done to make the film popular. For example, The Grudge which is the one of the highest grossing horror film of all time.

I used technologies such as Prezzi to present my work on in a visualising way so it’s interactive for example for my timeline on horror films and how it has evolved has helped me be more creative in terms of narrative and when I was analysing a horror radio trailer for ‘The woman in black’ I also used Prezzi. I used Emaze for my audience profile, this is where I got two people around my age group for my film and put everything about them in terms of their hobby and their likes and dislikes as well as their favourite horror films, this allowed me to interpret some of these things to my film such as what they’re favourite horror film has that makes it so good which then could be applied to mines to make it also good. I used an animated person on Voki to present information on horror films in the UK and USA. I also used Powtoon to present my research on controversial horror films. This was an effective way as I found various information that were useful to me such as through viewing YouTube clips on filming, for example on camera work, which helped me during filming. I used Visme, to upload my work on horror film title analysis so that it can help me when deciding what type of font and colour to use. I used slideshare to upload a lot of my work on to because it uploads PowerPoint presentations, which makes it simple to just upload on to my blog. For example I used it for my horror film poster analysis for ‘Sinister’ and also for my treatment and pitch. I used Speaker Deck to publish my research work on the BBFC and what age category I needed to put on my film as it portrayed scenes of infliction and pain which is needed for a 15 rated film. And I also put up Case studies of some horror films.

For planning, I used the computer to write up all my research on to word and upload them on slide share from PowerPoint presentation or from Word to scribd so I was able to embed it to my blog in a form of a presentation. I used different technologies such as Vimeo to put my draft of filming up and also my storyboards which were effective because I was able to embed the link to my blog, very simply. On Scribd I uploaded my script on it so it was easy to view through scrolling down rather than uploading an image on my blog. I did my storyboards by drawing them and then taking pictures of it using my smartphone to upload them on final cut pro which I learnt how to use so I was prepared to use this for my film. I also drew three plans for my poster, which I got audience feedback on it which allowed me to improve on it for my final design. This was put directly on my blog so it was easy to view.

For the production stage, filming was done using a 100D Canon camera where I was able to film using it effectively. The tripod was used to hold the camera in place steadily and also for panning around. The effects I did whilst filming was fast panning shots to give a point of view shot from the character Fatemah, when she is looking around after going outside and hearing noises. Lighting was done with a light box was also used near the end when the protagonist is shown staring down at the character Naimah. During post-production, the editing was done on final cut pro where sound effects such as lighting was altered to make some scenes brighter and other darker. I also used the effect of static on a damaged TV to make it look like Mallory is causing the interference through being in the room. Music was added in appropriate places after editing some of them on audacity which I had experience in using during AS. I also added the camcorder effect on the screen to make it look like the characters are filming, as it is conventional of supernatural horror films. I have added effects in the scene when the protagonist is seen going down the stairs after meeting with the students, the filter of a CCTV camera look was added to show how she is seeing everything and shows her control over them. We used a light red filter on a scene when Mallory is seen watching Fatemah from above. This tells the audience that the protagonist is about to strike. A blue filter was also used when Fatemah is seen outside to give a chilly atmosphere which is matched to the sound effect of the wind. This is also evident in the radio trailer at the beginning.

The production titles were done on live type, which helped to create animated title sequences were created and added to the beginning of the film. It has ‘Inspired by true events’ written in white font and the transition was in a ghost like effect, misty whilst disappearing and then the title appears with ‘Mallory’ written in capital bold, red and blue font. The transition was like a distorted TV with no signal, shaking, to promote the films idea of it being camcorder. The cast names as well as the production name is also shown whilst the clip of the setting is played behind it. This technology allowed my film to be more realistic as most horror films start off like this.

My poster was successfully published using Photoshop, where I was able to add images of the main protagonists, where the side of her face, with one eye showing is only revealed, covering the other half of her face with her hair and with the haunted building faded in the back with the shadow of Mallory in one of the windows. The titles were created from downloading the font from the website, and then writing ‘Mallory’ with it. The age rating, 15 were added to the bottom corner as well as the production logo. The production details and cast names were added by downloading a ‘Universal’ font from the same website, this is the same for Hollywood films.

The radio trailer was done using Garage band where music from the website royalty free was used as well as voice clips recorded by the characters and also the narrative was done by one of my teachers. This all merged together to create the final Mallory radio trailer and to promote the sub-genre of the film supernatural through for example the loud wind noises in the beginning and the build-up of tension from a calm, and relaxing music to the use of suspenseful music near to the end.

Final cut pro was used to present my evaluation as I was able to put my voiceover on it which I recorded using my smartphone and I had a video playing where I showed clips of my work as evidence on it such as images of my research tasks and primary evidence such as surveys as well as scenes from my film. This helped me to display what I was taking about making it more engaging to visually see.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Final radio trailer for Mallory

This is the final radio trailer for Mallory

I used Whatsapp to get my audience feedback on the trailer as this allowed me to communicate effectively with the same age group as my film. 
Here are some of the responses I got:

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Final poster for Mallory


This is the before picture of the poster. As you can see I decided to change the font of the cast members and also our names because films usually have the font of the production details the same. The color for the tagline was also changed to a brown color to match the building and give a brick effect color to it as its visible in the poster. The color for 'Coming soon' was changed to white as it would stand out and let the audience know its out soon. The clock was initially planned to be a reflection in Mallory's eyes but it didn't look realistic and didn't fade in the way I wanted it to so I decided to add it as the letter 'o' instead, which I think looks so much better because its part of the protagonists name which gives to the audience a clue as to what the film is about.  


This is the finished poster, I think it looks good because it has the conventions of a horror genre for example the use of color in the font which is red connoting evil and danger. The background of the building is also visible showing the location. The face of Mallory is layered on top of the the building only showing her eye which gives an eerie atmosphere to it as it doesn't reveal her whole face and identity. The font is slightly distorted showing the nature of the film being a camcorder effect. The window with Mallory's shadow is seen on the top right which I think makes it look mysterious and scary.The clock that Mallory wears has replaced the 'o' in the title showing the link it has to the film. 


I received feedback from my target audience using Instagram.  

Friday, 10 April 2015

Radio trailer script

Wind blowing with loud suspenseful music

Narrator: Inspired by true events

Mallory: Please follow me and I will show you around

Habiba: There's something weird about her

Habiba: Hello?

Narrator: Blair Witch meets Stay Alive

Narrator: She awaits your arrival

Habiba: *Screams*

Naimah: Who are you?

Narrator: Mallory...Coming to cinemas...soon

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Effects made to Mallory

We have added effects in the scene when the protagonist is seen going down the stairs after meeting with the students, the filter of a cctv camera look was added to show how she is seeing everything and shows her control over them.

We used a light red filter on a scene when Mallory is seen watching Fatemah from above. This tells the audience that the protagonist is about to strike. 

A blue filter was also used when Fatemah is seen outside to give a chilly atmosphere which is matched to the sound effect of the wind. This is also evident in the radio trailer at the beginning.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Sounds effects & Music

Adding sound effects & Music:

For my film I added a lot of sound effects and music to make some of the scenes scarier as this hints the audience whats to happen for example the build up of suspense suggests something bad is about to happen such as in my film, when Mallory walks up to the camera and covers it with her hand with the upbeat music in the background connoting the suspense, I downloaded the music from royalty free and used audacity to cut and delete some of the parts to the music that isn't needed as well as paste multiple parts if i wanted to play again. 

Friday, 13 March 2015

Feedback of film so far

We let our target audience see the film so far and we got them to mark each category out of 5 so we can we which part needed improvement on.

Above: This shows the amendments we are going to make to the film and who is responsible for them.  

From the feedback we received most of our audience said they liked the camera angles, shots movements and composition however they said that the use of sounds need to be worked on such as effects and music. also our sub-genre needs to be more obvious so we need to add effects when Mallory appears so the audience know that she is a ghost. 

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Poster design Ideas

<iframe width="640" height="401" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Radio trailer plan

Edited version:

Evidence: Recording our radio trailer in the music studio

Radio trailer plan

Voice: Inspired by true events.
Sound: Wind blowing and trees rustling.
Habiba screaming: As she gets dragged by Mallory.
Member of audience: She looks so scary
Fatema: Maybe she disappeared like you wanted her to in your script
Member of audience: Such a big twist. So unexpected.
Mallory: She awaits your arrival
Sound: 3 ticks of the watch
Sound: Cupboard creaking
Naimah: Who are you?
Whisper: Coming soon

Sounds we will include:
Wind blowing 


Clock ticking

Cupboard creaking

Monday, 9 February 2015

Camcorder effect

We wanted to add a camcorder effect to our film so its a film within a film. The sub-genre, supernatural usually is associated with it being a camcorder effect such as paranormal activity and the Blair witch project, as it adds realism to it and makes it more scarier as our audience feedback has said. 
The camcorder effect is seen in the beginning being handheld when the two characters are seen entering the building to meet their tour guide. It is also seen in the scene when it is left on, where Habiba is practicing to get dragged for the film they are about to shoot. It is left on throughout the same scene when Naimah and Fatemah are seen practicing their lines and then also when Naimah is seen running into the room after seeing Fatemah get strangled by Mallory. Later on during the end it is also on when Mallory and Naimah are seen face to face.  
This challenges the convention of normal horror films where a normal camera is used throughout. 

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Animatic titles

The title and the cast names were done using Live type, Where the animation, color and font were designed. This allowed us to present it in the film and also add a panning shot of the setting the film takes place in which is the haunted school building which is shown being next to the church and graveyard to suggest and inform our audience the sub-genre of the film. 

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Feedback from audience

We received feedback from one of our target audiences on the film so far and what we have edited.

27 Jan offline edit review:
  • 12.07- audio down (too echo)
  • 12.20- trim down- see too much of a blank room
  • Make the edits tighter
  • 44.06- as chair turns do you have a close up of face?
  • 46- audio seems to carry over to be louder overlay scene of 2 girls.
  • 1.1.18- fade o black but continue the scream so we don’t see the aftermath of laughter.
  • 1.05.13- any other distance shots?
  • Interact shot 1.15.00 with 1.20.00 and crosscut to create tension.
  • Why is 1.35.00 out of focus?
  • Close up/mid shot/ shot reverse shots needed when ‘you’ see the ‘ghost’ figure to build suspense
  • Where’s the audio in shot 1.40.00?
  • Could you edit 1.45.00 (hand grabbing) to include jump cuts of characters walking and grabbing to demonstrate madness?
  • Being grabbed would include audio response
  • 1.50.00- audio too loud/cut shot sooner and overlay with audio of chocking
  • Darker edit- too light
  • Distinguish filming/ rehearsal. 
We will correct the parts we have to do again and reshoot some scenes as well so we can address these issues.

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Dates of filming and editing

CTC Building
Test shots
Fake blood
Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda)
Actresses (all)
test shots of building (exterior)
CTC Building
Scene 2 and 4
Light box
Fake blood
Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda)
Actresses (all)
Pan shots of exterior of CTC building.
Aspire Media Room
Offline edit
Mac computers
Memory card
Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda)
Listen to sounds to include in footage.
Aspire Media Room
Offline  edit
Mac computers
Memory card
Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda)
11:00- 12:30
Aspire Media Room
Offline edit
Mac computers
Memory Card
Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda)
Music Studio
Radio Trailer
Producer and director (Akfa)
Music Studio
Radio Trailer
Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda)
Harley Grove Playground
Scene 3
Mike boom
Producer and director
(Akfa) Actresses ( Shuma and Fathema)
Film Scene 5 in DST
Aspire Media Room
Offline edit
Mac computers
Memory card
Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda)


Aspire-Media Room
Offline Editing
Mac computer
Memory card

Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda)

Aspire-Media Room
Offline Editing
Mac computer
Memory card

Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda)

Aspire-Media Room
Offline Editing
Mac computer
Memory card

Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda)

Scene 5
Light box

Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda)


Harley Grove
Light box

Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda)
Reshooted this scene because it wasn’t in focus
Harley Grove
3Scene 1
Light box

Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda)
Aspire-Media Room
Offline Editing
Mac computer
Memory card

Producers and directors ( Akfa & Mahmuda
Added music and sound effects to film